Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Darkroom practice

I have been spending as much time in the darkroom as I possibly can - every Wednesday in-between lectures. I have been printing photographs that I took as part of my preparation for the final project based on Irish identity. Having visited Ireland over the summer I used my Bronica ETRS at the Cashel Folk Village, photographing all the cultural memorabilia there. Here are some of the photographs that I took. 

Admittedly I lacked the enthusiasm for any form of photography over the holiday which is very unlike me. I think the course has been so intense that I need a break from it. Many others on the course felt the same but I'm sure that once we've all finished, we will look back and appreciate it all... I hope! 
I plan to keep up with the darkroom practice as I want to photograph my final project with the Bronica. I love that camera! Hopefully practice will make perfect. I am hoping that I will be able to spend more time in the darkroom next semester.

Digital Splash

Went to the photographic event, Digital Splash at the Leyland Hotel in Preston on 9th October. Didn’t think I would be able to make it as I had so much work to do but decided to give it a go to see what the fuss was. There were many stalls, all offering up tempting photographic goods that were priced way out of my league but I continued to walk round, dreaming… Managed to blag my way onto a workshop sponsored by Lastolite Lighting in a live studio. The photographer, Keith Trainor, had set up a straight forward lighting kit and in an hour long session, ten of us were shown how to use a grey and black background and also using HiLites. The kit we used was the Lastolite Lumen8 Studio Flash. I took about 20 or so shots, some of which I have published below. It was an interesting workshop as the photographer explained how he worked events that could work with over 100 people at a time. He explained how the correct lighting setup was vital as there would be little or no time for post production as the photographs would have to be printed very quickly, if not on site. 

There is a video featured on the weblink below which explains how the setup is achieved.